1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three

Lot 338

EUROPE » Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland
Cher collectionneur, nous vous présentons le lot 338 que vous pouvez maintenant ajouter à votre collection de EUROPE » Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland. Si vous avez des questions sur nos timbres ou nos lettres, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter ici.
Prix réalisé
5’000 EUR
Prix de départ
5’000 – 10’000 EUR
Date de vente
Di. 28 Mär 2023 at 16:00 (Europe/Zurich)
1845-1996, Remarkable collection of Switzerland in three stockbooks including rare Neuchâtel with cert. Marchand, rare BASEL DOVE with cert. Rellstab and Marchand, both in excellent condition, the Rayon issues. 1914-31 Landscape 3Fr red, 3Fr brown, 5Fr blue (1928), 10Fr violet and two 10Fr blue-green, PAX set, airs, good international organisation section, min.sheets, gen fine and rare offering, several certificates and signatures1845-1996, Remarquable collection de timbres suisses en trois classeurs avec magnifiques Neuchâtel et Colombe de Bâle, les deux avec certificats Rellstab et Marchand, aussi Rayon, semi-modernes dont 1914-31 Paysages 3Fr rouge, 3Fr. brun, 5Fr bleu de 1928, 10Fr violet et deux 10Fr vert, série PAX plus doubles, poste aérienne, belle section des organisations internationales, blocs-feuillets, etc., un ensemble exceptionnel avec de nombreux certificats et signatures
Vente aux enchères

Cher collectionneur, le marché du timbre étant en constante mutation, veuillez noter que nous travaillons toujours à l’ajout d’images pour les timbres de collection, les lettres, ou n’importe quel autre lot. Si le lot qui vous intéresse n’a pas encore d’images disponibles, nous vous invitons à vérifier à nouveau dans quelques jours.

Si vous ne trouvez toujours pas les images que vous cherchez dans les prochains jours, veuillez nous envoyer un message ici. Important : n’oubliez pas de mentionner le(s) numéro(s) des lots qui vous intéresse(nt).

Merci de votre compréhension.