Briefe und Marken
7 Dec 2021

3207 Lose für Ihre Briefmarkensammlung
1861 Patriotic cover of the 10th Rgt, from Old Point Confort, Virginia

Los 3672

1861 Patriotic cover of the 10th Rgt, from Old Point Confort, Virginia, franked by 3c rose, removed to show advert for „25 colored and addressed envelopes“…
Startpreis: 150 EUR

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n°60 OBL duplex de New-York (1885) sur enveloppe

Los 3673

N° 60 OBL duplex de New-York (1885) sur enveloppe avec porte-timbre imprimé brun „Herbert Coth King New-York“, Spectaculaire et TB
Startpreis: 275 EUR

Weiterlesen / Verkauft für EUR 317

1788 Entire letter from Port Louis to Lorient, France,

Los 3674

Overseas » MAURITIUS
1788 Lettre datée 12 mai 1788 de Port Louis pour Lorient avec MP complète „ISLE DE FRANCE“, taxe „20“ au dos, transportée par le „Vicomte de Bresse“, Capitaine…
Startpreis: 4’000 EUR

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Enveloppe à fenêtre ovale contenant un entier postal

Los 3675

Overseas » MEXICO
Enveloppe à fenêtre ovale contenant un entier postal 10c orange avec nombreuses pubs dont Compania Vinicola Francesa et vins „A la ville de Bordeaux“ adressée…
Startpreis: 150 EUR

Weiterlesen / Verkauft für EUR 212

1893 1d Light blue Brownwell Bros, postal stationery advertising for the 11th Great Half-Yearly Sale, cancelled by HOBART JA4 93 duplex, unrecorded by Higgins & Gage, scarce

Los 3676

Overseas » TASMANIA
1893 1d Light blue Brownwell Bros, postal stationery advertising for the 11th Great Half-Yearly Sale, cancelled by HOBART JA4 93 duplex, unrecorded by…
Startpreis: 225 EUR

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1897 Cover from Bath to Lytham franked by two QV 1887-92 1/2 orange (2), blue charity vignette "1837 The Queen's Commemoration 1897", fine and unusual

Los 3677

1897 Cover from Bath to Lytham franked by two QV 1887-92 1/2 orange (2), blue charity vignette „1837 The Queen’s Commemoration 1897“, fine and unusual
Startpreis: 175 EUR

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1895 "Beer & Basy" postal stationery cards; The three types, all used on November 19, 1895, two with small corner crease, scarce group

Los 3678

Overseas » VICTORIA
1895 „Beer & Basy“ postal stationery cards; The three types, all used on November 19, 1895, two with small corner crease, scarce group
Startpreis: 275 EUR

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